So far this has been a good week. According to my scale at home, I have achieved my 5% goal! By the time I make weigh-in on Saturday, I may even hit my 20 pounds lost mark! I feel great this week and can see the correlation between eating and how I feel. I think that my change in habits is really making me better overall.
I had been having horrible nightmares and awful, violent dreams. My sleep suffered for a few weeks and I started to think about things I was doing that may have affected my sleep and dreams. I realized that the vampire books I was reading had a lot to do with my nightmares. I stopped reading them and the violence was gone from my dreams immediately. I decided to start reading Christian based books and they have helped to lift my soul and lighten my dreams. I am feeling good mentally and physically and that feels great!
Today is Ash Wednesday and I will be attending service with my nephew. It is a part of his confirmation program and he has chosen me as his mentor again this year. I will attend services with him every Wednesday through Lent and after services, we talk about the sermon and how it affects our lives. I have done this for my older nephew and it’s been a really great experience.
I am so happy that today’s snow storm missed us and I loved seeing the sun yesterday. I am enjoying the warmer temps and sure hoping that it keeps up. I am actually looking forward to getting out, walking the dog and being physically active. That is definitely a first for me and again – it feels good.
I am started to job hunt and that is one of the only stressers in my life at the moment. School is done in two weeks and I will have my Bachelors degree! I still can’t believe that. It was always on my list of things I’d like to do but never thought I’d get around to. That is why I have to believe that my life will work out just the way it is meant to. It has so far and God hasn’t let me done yet. That is why I am choosing to trust him and believe that there is something out there for me. I just have to pray for the patience it will take to wait for that something to come along!
Well, back to Hot in Cleveland . Thank you Netflix for turning me onto this hilarious sitcom. I can’t believe I haven’t seen it until now. It is pretty funny and makes me laugh!
Have a Healthy Day!
You are such a great mentor to many more than just your nephew. You are an awesome person and I hope you know that!! I am on my way to the road of recovery thanks to you - I read your comments and feel many of your same emotions - after I read, I feel, and try to react! I have many blessings that I need to remember - and you are one of them! Thanks for all your positive words!